2009 “Readers for Life” Literacy Autographing
Monday, July 13th, 2009Come see me, people!!
(Copied from the RWA website)
The “Readers for Life” Literacy Autographing has become one of the most popular events at RWA’s annual conference. More than 500 romance authors participate in this two-hour autographing event, and each year we raise thousands of dollars, which are donated to ProLiteracy Worldwide. Since 1991, RWA has donated more than $600,000 to literacy charities.
The 2009 “Readers for Life” Literacy Autographing takes place on Wednesday, July 15, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Exhibit Hall. This event is open to the public; there is no admittance charge. Since the proceeds from this event are donated to charity, we ask that you purchase books at the event instead of bringing your own books. (RWA accepts cash, check, or credit/debit cards for book purchases at the event.) If you do bring books, please limit yourself to one or two books and consider making a cash donation to the cause.
Questions may be directed to Erin at [email protected] or 832-717-5200, Ext. 122.
Come see me, you guys! I will be passing out candy and cheap costume jewelry. How can you resist?
No, really. Somebody come see me. Please. Because Nora Roberts is going to be there, which is really bad for all us other authors’ morale. Any time you’re at a signing with someone who has written 160 New York Times bestsellers and sells an average of 21 books EVERY MINUTE, you know you’re going to feel bad about yourself. Can you say lines of fans out the doors? Not to mention that I’m usually dying to leave my table and get in Nora’s line with them. Nora is a goddess. So someone please, come and visit my table so I don’t abandon my authorly duties and stalk Nora.
To see all the fabulous authors who will be there in addition to Nora (and me!) please click here.
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