I recently spent almost a week imprisoned in my house with alternately–no electricity, no heat, no phone, and no Internet. It was like a preview of what hell might be like.
Oh, don’t get me wrong–it was fun for a little while. The novelty and all that. But after reading ALL of New Moon and half of Eclipse out loud to my daughter, the novelty started wearing off. And I started thinking about slitting my wrists.
Because there’s only so long you can endure being in one room with your husband, child, and a chihuahua without freaking out. Nothing against said husband, child, or chihuahua. It wasn’t their fault. But there is such a thing as too much togetherness.

Check out some of the trees in our yard.
It was the “worst ice storm in our area’s history.”

Check out the above-mentioned chihuahua looking disgusted at still being expected to urinate outside even though it’s 19 degrees.
I would never have made it back in the olden days. Which I already knew, but this experience just reaffirmed it. I’m too weak, too dependent on modern comforts. It’s sad, really. But I’ll get over it.
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